What is ADGP, What is Additional Director General of Police, What is the full form of ADGP

What is ADGP, What is Additional Director General of Police, What is the full form of ADGP, The full form of ADGP is Additional Director General of Police. This is a high-ranking position that is significant for officers working in the Indian Police Service. The ADGP operates under the Director General of Police and handles administrative and operational responsibilities within state police forces.

ADGP officer sitting on chair, What is ADGP
Full formAdditional Director General of Police
RankHigh-Level Authority
Appointed ByGovernment Selection
ResponsibilitiesPolicy Implementation
Reporting ToDGP (Director General)

The identity of an ADGP can be recognized by the symbols on their uniform, which include the Ashoka symbol and crossed swords. These symbols are located on their shoulders, distinguishing them from other police officers, What is ADGP, What is the full form of ADGP.

The primary duties of an ADGP involve coordinating between various police departments, maintaining law and order, and developing strategies to prevent crime in the state. This officer also advises the state government on police matters and assists in making high-level decisions as needed. Appointments to this position are typically made from senior IPS officers who have several years of experience and have served in various roles. The position is not only crucial from an administrative perspective but also plays an important role in ensuring safety and law enforcement within society, What is ADGP, What is Additional Director General of Police.

What are the duties and responsibilities of ADGP

The position of Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) holds significant importance within the Indian Police Service (IPS), encompassing various duties and responsibilities. ADGPs primarily operate at the highest level of state police and their roles include:

  • Administrative Responsibilities: The ADGP is responsible for managing the police force, which includes overseeing the operations of police stations and other units. They assist in high-level decision-making to ensure the effective functioning of the police force.
  • Maintaining Law and Order: A key duty of the ADGP is to uphold law and order within the state. They are accountable for prompt action during riots, crimes, and other emergencies.
  • Special Investigations: ADGPs can form special teams to investigate complex cases. This role aids in addressing serious crimes such as murder or human trafficking.
  • Policy Formulation: The ADGP plays a crucial role in developing and implementing policies that enhance and modernize police operations.
  • Training and Development: They ensure the training and development of subordinate officers to improve the capacity and efficiency of the police force.
  • Community Relations: Maintaining good relations with the community is essential for an ADGP, as it helps build trust between the police and the public.

Through these responsibilities, ADGPs not only maintain law and order but also contribute to ensuring security and peace within society, What are the duties of ADGP, What are the responsbilities of ADGP.

What is the qualification required to become ADGP

To become an Additional Director General of Police (ADGP), candidates must meet several important qualifications. First, it is essential to obtain a graduation degree from a recognized university. After that, candidates need to pass the UPSC civil services exam, achieving good marks. Once they pass this exam, they must be selected for the Indian Police Service (IPS).

After becoming an IPS officer, candidates typically gain experience in various positions, such as DSP or SP, which can take around 30 years or more. Additionally, physical fitness, communication skills, and problem-solving abilities are crucial since the ADGP role involves significant responsibilities in maintaining law and order, What is the eligibility criteria to become ADGP.

What are the facilities given to ADGP

The Additional Director General of Police holds several important powers and responsibilities within the state police force. Here’s a summary of these functions:

  1. Authority of the Position: The ADGP operates at the highest level within the state police, enabling effective implementation of police policies and operations.
  2. Administrative Powers: The ADGP has the authority to appoint, transfer, and take disciplinary actions against police officers.
  3. Investigation and Inquiry: The ADGP is empowered to form special teams for investigating serious crimes and to direct their operations.
  4. Security Management: This role involves planning and executing security arrangements, particularly for important individuals and locations.
  5. Public Relations: The ADGP communicates with the media and the public, sharing information about police activities and policies.
  6. Departmental Training: The ADGP plays a crucial role in organizing and implementing training programs for police personnel.
  7. Coordination with State Government: The ADGP coordinates with various state government departments to maintain law and order.
  8. Financial Management: This position includes managing the budget and financial resources of the police department.
  9. Conducting Special Operations: The ADGP is responsible for planning special operations, such as counter-terrorism efforts or security for major events.
  10. Collaboration with Other States and Central Government: The ADGP collaborates with police forces from other states and central agencies to aid in crime prevention.

These responsibilities enable the ADGP to effectively fulfill their duties within the police force, What is Additional Director General of Police, What is the full form of ADGP.

What is the salary of ADGP, ADGP salary per month india

The monthly salary of an ADGP is approximately 2,05,400 inr. This salary is determined according to the 7th Pay Commission. The ADGP position is a high rank for IPS officers, and after reaching this rank, officers receive various benefits, such as government housing, vehicles, and other allowances.

How many police officers are there above ADGP

  1. DGP – Director General of Police

How many police officers are under ASP

  1. IG – Inspector General of Police
  2. DIG – Deputy Inspector General of Police
  3. SSP – Senior Superintendent of Police
  4. SP – Superintendent of Police
  5. ASP – Additional Superintendent of Police
  6. DSP – Deputy Superintendent of Police
  7. Inspector
  8. SI – Sub-Inspector
  9. ASI – Assistant Sub-Inspector
  10. HC – Head Constable
  11. Naik
  12. Constable


What is the full form of ADGP, What is the meaning of ADGP

ADGP stands for Additional Director General of Police, which is a high-ranking position in the IPS. This rank plays a crucial role in managing significant police functions such as law enforcement, investigations, and administration. The ADGP ranks below the Director General of Police and above the Inspector General of Police.

Who is supirior of ADGP

Above the ADGP is the DGP, who is the highest-ranking officer in a state police force and supervises the overall police operations. This hierarchical structure ensures effective management within the police organization.

How many stars does ADGP have

In terms of insignia, the ADGP wears two stars on their uniform, indicating their rank within the Indian police hierarchy. These stars are significant as they represent their position relative to other senior officers, What is ADGP, What is Additional Director General of Police, What is the full form of ADGP.